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Band Stories

Welcome to Sunnydale, Ohio!


Heres the news.

3/8/05- The time for the March 12 show was changed again. We go on at 6:15pm hope to see you there.

3/6/05- Check out the new myspace page we put up. http://www.myspace.com/sunnydaleohio


2/23/05- The time for the Mar 12 show got changed to 6:45. Hope to see yall there. 

2/20/05- Thanks to our friend Geraud, we have a show at Cafe Revolucion on March 12. Thats a saturday and we will be goin on at 8:30. From what we hear its gonna be a good show, lotsa bands gonna be there. Cover should be $5. Hope to see yall there

2/6/05- Saturday was great. The set was excellent, we had a small crowd, but it was ok. (The girls were cute!) Keller riled up the crowd during the Rush the End Solo by playing the guitar BEHIND HIS HEAD! The crowd went nuts! Band practice before the show, was interesting. One of Mark's neighbors was walking on the sidewalk alone in the dark. The wierd part was that she told us that she hears voices and thought that we were just music in her head. She then proceeded to scare the crap outta us by telling us she had just got out of the hospital and didnt have any friends. Long story short we gave her a free button and Mark dedicated Brown Eyed Girl to her at the show. (Even though she wasnt there) After the show some random dude told us that we were badass...he said we were "oldschool...like oldschool man..like the stones and the beatles and all that shit dude that was badass.."  We would also like to apologize for the misunderstanding with the flyers, it said 8:30 then the set got changed to 8:00. Which happened last time we played the Rabbit.

1/30/05- We just got a call from the bookie at White Rabbit. At 8:30 this Saturday SDO is going to be playing a gig. Hope to see yall there. This time we'll be able to play our signature song!

Heres the news.

1/23/05 - Today was a thrill for the members of Sunnydale, Ohio. A surprise show caught all of us all off gaurd. Two days ago we recieved a call from one of the bookies of the White Rabbit. He asks us if we want to play a show at the Rabbit in two days. Without hesitation, Keller, Johnny, Mark, and James voted hell yes to just "going for it!" We decided that 2 days warning wouldnt be enough time to call friends, or family, so we decided, "Screw it lets just go at it alone!" Two days later... Sunnydale, Ohio was rocking the White Rabbit! The show was a hell of alot of fun. We got through it without making any mistakes or having any technical glitches. (At least none that were noticable!) The crowd there was small, but responsive. They cheered and hollered as we played our new songs that no one had ever heard before. The funniest part of the show was probably the strobe light flashing during Brown Eyed Girl. That probably takes the cake for as being the worst time for a strobe light to flash. Marks voice managed not to crack during Rush the End. The band had anticipated that it would probably crack! We played such a good show, that the bookie invited us to play there again! So expect to see SDO at the white rabbit sometime soon! Thanks to all the folks who went to the show. We dont know who you are...But we love you anyways!


          <<Peace out and Rock On>>

Heres the news.


1/28/05 - Sunnydale, Ohio LOVES THEIR FANS!!! Today was the big day. Our first real show. (First show that didnt get sprung up on us last minute.) The day began pretty somberly, with the weatherman forecasting rain. Someone "up there" however, must like the happy sounds of SDO, because not only did it not rain, but the sun came out and shined on us like never before! The show was fun, but definatly not without its flaws. We had a great crowd there supporting us. Probably the loudest of them all, was one of the coolest teachers in the world...hes a man of God who knows more rap about than all of SDO combined. He chose to see us over the Snoop concert that was in town! Thank you so much Bro. Tim for coming and supporting SDO. ( Yes we did hear you yelling!) Your support was uplifting and gave us all some serious confidence! Highlights of the show would probably include, seeing the cute singer of KG2C (that was a highlight for me at least!), the drummer of KG2C's crazy one man skank pit, our beautiful rendition of Can't You See, the applause during Kellers Rush the End solo, and Mark making up the whole first verse and voice cracks during the song Rush the End! Since having technical glitches are a tradition of Marks, we could not pass us the chance to have a glitch sometime in the show. This glitch consisted of Marks guitar shorting out during the last few seconds of Brown Eyed Girl due to water spilling on the power cord. The band being as great as they are pressed on through the glitch like nothing happend! Unfortunatly we were unable to play our signature song As Tall As I Could Be. "It just wasnt meant to be..." James said satisfied with the overall preformance and a smile on his face. We ended our show one song short, but memorable as hell! We here in Sunnydale, Ohio would like to thank all our family, friends, and all the other random people for showing up and screaming your asses off in support for SDO. We love you all. Thanks!


              <<Peace out and Rock On>>

Heres the news.



3/22/05- Hey guys. Keller here. We got a show on thursday at the White Rabbit. Its at 8:00 and the cover should be about $5. We will be on the third stage with all the other fairly new bands. Sadly James will not be able to make it, but since we love to play, Rudy from KevinGoes2College will be sitting in for James. Its gonna be a huge show with lots of great bands so you'll get alot for $5.


3/17/05 - Hey everyone, Mark here. Wow, lots of good news to report, so lets just get to it! Johnny bought a new bass amp that REALLY booms. Its a vintage halfstack bass amp. "Acoustic." (Yes that is a brand name.) Its the end of an era let me tell you. Never before have we been able to hear Johnny when we play. The closest we ever come is hearing his lil' breaks. SDO has reached a turning point indeed. His amp can get so loud that it shakes the walls of my garage! Keller, not to be out done, bought a Fender 65' Twin Reverb all tube amp. For thoes of you who dont understand "Guitar Talk," think of it as God in a box. The thing is so loud, that during our first practice with it, Keller nearly blew his eardrums! Its loud. Lets just put it at that. All we need to do now it learn to equalize our sound and we'll be set. Well, that's that. Finally, the Sunnydale Rec. Room has been completed! As my spring break project, I decided to make a place where the band can rock in comfort. The garage was the ideal spot. So I went out and bought a HUGE roll of carpet, (which was a bitch to move lemme say...Had to use some freaky Jui-Juitsu to move it!) brought in a couch, fridge, TV, and some posters to liven the place up! The SDRR is now done and ready for a Spring Break Hangover Party. (Which is going to substitute for the lakehouse...its too damn cold!) Info on Hangover will be coming within the next few days. If your'e keepin in touch with the site, and you know where I live...then come on down and party with SDO!


3/13/05 - Last nights show was awesome! Our time was once again, changed due to a band dropping out. We went on at 7:00 instead of 6:15. We opened strong with Johnny singing lead to our new song Earthbound Misfit which was written by Johnny. His voice was surprisingly strong and carried the song well. We debuted 3 new songs, Miranda, Earthbound Misfit, and Miles Away, the crowd seemed to enjoy them. The real knockout punches though came during Cant You See during Keller's crowd raising solo, and during our signature song As Tall As I Could Be, which resulted in the audience chanting "ONE MORE SONG." 1/12/05 will be remembered as SDO's first encore preformance. The overall show was good, the encore...well we'll just have to work on that! So many pretty girls at the show if I may say so myself...


<<Peace out and Rock On>>


Just in case you missed the guestbook...here it is again!!!